
Trendy Mom is a beauty and fashion blog that is meant to cater to the needs of mothers everywhere by offering time saving style tips, product reviews and suggestions, and even some kid friendly makeup that won't stain your walls when your toddler plays Picasso with your lipstick.
While "time saving" may not be directly listed on the post I try to pick styles and products that are quick and easy.

Hair Trends 2012

This year's hair trends (and fashion trends for that matter) seem to be "old school" with a modern twist. By taking some of the most iconic styles of the 20th century and throwing in a pinch of modernist style here and there you get some of the simple, yet gorgeous, styles you're sure to see in 2012. With that being said I've decided to post a few how-to's. Long Hair The Bouncy Blow Dry Step...

Off Topic: Water.org

I received a notice in the mail today from the housing authority that owns the apartment we live in saying that starting this evening at 7:00 PM our street and surrounding streets would be without water until further notice while a water line is being repaired. Naturally I started moaning and groaning about how I wouldn't be able to take a shower or give the boys their bedtime bath and then I remembered...

Add Some Spring To Your Nails

Well it's that time of year again. The snow has melted, the birds are singing, the grass has turned green, and if you're anything like me you have Spring Fever. It's no secret that I'm a warm weather and sunshine kind of girl so it should come as no surprise that when Old Man Winter goes back into hibernation and it's just warm enough outside to crawl out of my sweater without being called a crazy...

Review: Jergens Natural Glow Daily Moisturizer

I'm no newbie when it comes to self tanners. I've tried everything from the basic store bought brands to the high end "in order to get this you have to climb Mount Everest, wrestle a tiger, jog half-way across the world, and then pay us two-hundred dollars" brands and every single time I wound up looking like a walking cheese puff. Call me conceited but I hate walking into Spring looking like Frosty...

Trendy Mom © 2012 Amber Riley