Review: Jergens Natural Glow Daily Moisturizer

I'm no newbie when it comes to self tanners. I've tried everything from the basic store bought brands to the high end "in order to get this you have to climb Mount Everest, wrestle a tiger, jog half-way across the world, and then pay us two-hundred dollars" brands and every single time I wound up looking like a walking cheese puff.

Call me conceited but I hate walking into Spring looking like Frosty the Snowman after a long sun-free winter. I'm white and I know it. However, due to my streaky past (pun intended) with self tanners I decided to give up trying and simply sun bathe like everyone else, skin cancer risk or no. Naturally, you can guess at my level of reluctance when my mother-in-law gave me a tube of Jergens Natural Glow that she bought but never got around to using.

I originally intended to store it away and forget about it but somehow it kept popping up all over my house and on the internet too. Being me, I lost all self control (it's a beauty product, I'm weak, don't judge me) and I tried it. One week later and I am in love.

The application for me was as simple as applying my daily moisturizer. I slapped it on at night after my shower, waited a few minutes before putting my clothes on to allow it time to dry (so says the back of the tube), washed my hands, and went to bed.

It took about four days before I started to see a real change in my skin tone but by day seven (as promised) I could really tell the difference. My skin was bronzed, glowing and moisturized to perfection.

Overall I give Jergens Natural Glow Daily Moisturizer a 10/10. It's cheap, it doesn't smell like chemicals, it's fast acting, and it works as advertised.

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